Kids’ Klub Curriculum

Every child develops at their own pace. We use guidelines and standards developed by State and National organizations for early childhood development to help create the best age appropriate activities for the children. The Kids’ Klub class runs on two different schedules, one during the school year and one during the summer months, school vacations, or holidays. Scotty’s provides opportunities for learning and developing to take place naturally with an emphasis on social skill development.

When school is in session, the children arrive in the morning and then they may participate in a variety of activities planned by the teachers that use their minds and bodies. Children socialize with one another while creating art, doing puzzles, playing with legos, building with blocks, using magnets, making and sculpting play dough, playing educational games on the iPads and much more. Then, they are off to school for the day. When they return from school, homework help is available to those who need it, and otherwise the children play and socialize while they unwind from their busy days. Arcade games, air hockey, easel painting, board games, and legos keep the children active and happy until it’s time to head home.

When school is not in session, children follow the center’s daily schedule. We start each day with free play and socializing. Next we gather for group time where we discuss the planned day ahead. We discuss social and behavioral expectations and move on to our planned art project, followed by some outdoor or indoor play room time. Next, we gather for lunch. After lunch, the children participate in quiet activities such as table top toys, reading or puzzles. Next, we have snack time and get ready for our afternoon. The children play in different learning centers and socialize, then we gather again for an afternoon enrichment activity. To close out the day we do a brain building cognitive activity, play with table top toys, read books, and play games. The children participate in many activities and trips that get them up and moving! During our summer camp, we go to the local park to play sports and games. We also visit the local library weekly to participate in the enrichment activities they have for the children. We take other local field trips to learn about the people in our community and the roles they play. We also plan bigger field trips to places like the Connecticut Science Center. We have weekly social events that follow our themes, for example the children have a Talent Show during “Scotty’s Got Talent” week! Each child gets to pick a talent and showcase it for the other children. Click on the ‘Summer Camp’ tab under Curriculum to learn more.