Safety & Security

The safety and security of the children and staff is our top priority. We have taken measures to make sure our facility is equipped with essential safety devices, as well as routinely training the staff on the policies we have in place to maintain a safe and secure environment.
Learn more about our facility here.

Keypad Door Entry System

 All of our entry doors are equipped with keyed locks and the main entry doors are additionally equipped with electronic keypad entry systems. This allows us to keep all the doors locked while we are in session and to prevent the entrance of unauthorized individuals.

During drop off and pick up hours, parents can gain entrance on their own using a code that has been provided to them. Parents are asked not to share their code with anyone, including their children and other family members/friends who are picking up their child.

During the day, the keypad systems are ‘frozen’ and the codes will not work. The doors can then only be opened with a key or from the inside of the center. This is to allow safe operation of the center without dear that persons can gain access without being properly identified.

Door codes will be changed when deemed necessary, but at least once a year, and when safety requires it.

Doorbell Video and Intercom System

Along with our Keypad Door Entry System, we have a Doorbell Video and Intercom System in place for use by unauthorized persons or parents wanting to gain entry when our keypad is ‘frozen’. Unauthorized persons shall only be allowed entry into the center after they have been identified and approved. Any unauthorized person who is allowed entry into the center will be escorted by Management or a member of the Staff.

Fire Sprinkler System

In 2017, we had a Fire Sprinkler System installed, by Innovative Services, Inc., throughout our building when we expanded our classrooms and moved our offices to the second floor. Innovative Services, Inc. conducts quarterly inspections/testing to ensure the system is working as expected. This system is connected to our Smoke/Fire Detection System and is monitored 24/7/365 by Dynamark Monitoring.

Smoke/Fire Detection Alarm and Monitoring

Smoke/Fire Detectors are located throughout the building. Our Smoke/Fire Detection Alarm is monitored 24/7/365 by Dynamark Monitoring. Dynamark Monitoring conducts an annual inspection/testing which includes our Panic Alarm (Emergency Lockdown System). Dynamark Monitoring automatically calls the fire department if a fire alarm goes off, and the police if the Panic Alarm goes off.

CO2 Detection Alarm and Monitoring

Located throughout the building are CO2 Detection Alarms. These alarms are monitored by Dynamark Monitoring, who annually inspect/test the devices. In the event that one of the alarms is activated, Dynamark Monitoring will automatically contact the fire department.

Panic Button Alarm and Monitoring

Panic Alarm Buttons are strategically posted around the center. These Panic Button Alarms, also monitored by Dynamark Monitoring, will directly notify the CT State Police Department of a safety emergency. If a Panic Button Alarm is activated, it immediately puts our center into a Lockdown Emergency. Upon hiring, all staff are made aware of our Panic Alarm Buttons and their locations.

Fire Drills

Fire Drills are held periodically to ensure that the children and staff are comfortable in the procedures we have in place should an evacuation be necessary. Our Fire Detection Alarm monitoring company, Dynamark Monitoring, will be notified when we conduct these drills. Upon hiring, all staff is trained on our Fire Preparedness and Emergency Policy.

Lockdown Drills

Lockdown Drills are held periodically to ensure the children and staff are comfortable in the procedures we have in place should a lockdown be necessary. Our Panic Button Alarm monitoring company, Dynamark Monitoring, will be notified when we conduct these drills. Upon hiring, all staff is trained on our Lockdown and Evacuation Policies.

CPR and First Aid Training

Every 2 years, our staff is trained and certified in CPR and First Aid by a licensed professional as part of our Professional Development. Every classroom will have at least one certified staff member in the room at all times.

EPI Pen and Medication Administration Training

Staff members are trained in the Administration of Medication every 3 years, and Epi-Pens (premeasured commercially prepared injectable medications) every year, by a physician, physician’s assistant, APRN or RN. At no time is an untrained staff member allowed to administer prescription medications.

Driver Safety Training

We are very happy to be able to have two vehicles used to transport children to/from local elementary schools, as well as on local field trips throughout the year. Our drivers are required to take a 6 hour Driver Safety Recertification Course annually. Along with this course, our drivers also participate in an annual driver observation conducted by our Administrator, have an annual review of their driving record, driver qualification checks performed twice a month, and a medical evaluation every 2 years.

Our vehicles also have extensive safety and care requirements. Quarterly oil changes are performed on each vehicle, as well as annual mechanical, brakes and tire inspections. Once these inspections are completed by a certified mechanic, the vehicle is then inspected by the Motor Vehicle Department. Before use of a vehicle each day, daily safety checks are performed and recorded utilizing a detailed checklist.