
In order to have a safe and successful center, we have many important policies implemented. Below you will find some of our policies that may be of interest to you. If you would like to see our full list of policies, or if you would like to discuss any of these policies, please contact us at 860-870-9852 or email us at skkpdc@skkpdc.com.


Parent-Teacher Communication Policy

Scotty’s promotes an open communication line between parents/guardians and the teachers. If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher, the Director or Assistant Director.

Discipline Policy

A child who misbehaves after being given a fair chance to correct his/her behavior, is instructed to have a ‘quiet time’. ‘Quiet time’ is the removal of the child from the activity, for a short period of time, to a quiet spot. The amount of time spent in ‘quiet time’ shall not exceed more than one (1) minute for each year of age. A two year old’s ‘quiet time’ should not exceed two (2) minutes, a three year old’s ‘quiet time’ should not exceed three (3) minutes, etc. It is the general policy of Scotty’s Kiddy Korner that no child should be placed in ‘quiet time’ longer than five (5) minutes regardless of the age. When the designated time is over, the child is brought back to the group.

When a child is in ‘quiet time’, he/she is well supervised at all times by a teacher or caregiver.

At all times, the staff attempts to give positive guidance and redirection before implementing a ‘quiet time’. The staff attempts to encourage the child in question to try another activity or area to cease further misbehaving or altercations. If this redirection does not succeed, then ‘quiet time’ is given.

Whenever possible, the staff attempts to discuss with the child the reasons for the behavior and to present alternate ways to express how they feel.

Children need to know what is expected of them. They need to know what the rules are. We are consistent in explaining rules and setting limits. We generally show approval for acceptable behavior.

Scotty’s Kiddy Korner Preschool and Day Care, LLC prohibits physical restraint, unless such restraint is necessary to protect the health and safety of the child or other people.

Scotty’s Kiddy Korner Preschool and Daycare, LLC prohibits abusive, neglectful, physical, corporal, humiliating or frightening treatment or punishment as a measure of discipline.

Health and Wellness Policies

Health Records Admission Policy

Per the Statutes and Regulations put forth by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, it is required that your child must have had a physical examination within the previous 12 months prior to enrollment at Scotty’s and a completed, dated and signed State of Connecticut Department of Education Early Childhood Health Assessment Record must be submitted before being allowed to attend.

Thereafter, your child is to have a physical examination yearly from the date of the initial physical examination. A new State of Connecticut Department of Education Early Childhood Health Assessment Record will need to be filled out, dated signed and submitted to Scotty’s. Blank Health Assessment Record forms can be provided to you, by Scotty’s, upon request.

Per the Statutes and Regulations put forth by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, it is required, prior to enrollment, that your child between the ages of 6-59 months, must have had an influenza vaccine between September 1 and December 31 of the previous year and that you must provide documentation of this signed and   dated by your child’s doctor’s office. All children 6-59 months who have not previously received vaccination against influenza shall receive two (2) doses of vaccine the first influenza season that they are vaccinated.

Thereafter, your child aged 6-59 months is required by the State of Connecticut to receive at least one dose of influenza vaccine between September 1 and December 31 of each year.

Medication Administration Policy

The center will only administer emergency medications which include prescribed inhalers and premeasured commercially prepared injectable medication (i.e. Epi-pens, Auvi-Q, etc.), non-prescription topical medication and EMERGENCY oral medications (i.e. Benadryl). The parental responsibilities include providing the center the proper medication authorization form, and medication. The medication administration form must be signed by the authorized prescriber and parent/guardian giving the center authorization to administer the medication. The form is available at the center.

The medication authorization form must include information, such as:

    • The child’s name, address, and birthdate
    • The date the medication order was written
    • Medication name, dose and method of administration
    • Time to be administered and dates to start and end the medication
    • Relevant side effects and prescribers plan for management should they occur
    • Notation whether the medication is a controlled drug
    • Listing of allergies, if any and reactions or negative interactions with foods or drugs
    • Specific instructions from prescriber how medication is to be given
    • Name, address, telephone number and signature of authorized prescriber ordering the drug
    • Name, address, telephone number, signature and relationship to the child of the parents giving the permission for the administration of the drug by a staff member.

Please note that there are many variations of the medication administration form that medical providers have access to. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure the medication administration form clearly states that it is for licensed child care centers. Please understand that your child may not be able to attend if he/she does not have the proper authorization.

All medications must be in their original child resistant safety container and clearly labeled with child’s name, name of prescription, date of prescription, and directions for use. Except for non-prescription medications, premeasured commercially prepared injectable medications (i.e. Epi-pens), glucagon and asthma inhalant medications, all medications will be stored in a locked container and, if directed by a manufacturer, refrigerated. Controlled medications will be stored in accordance with 21a-262-10 of the RCSA. Non-prescription topical medications will be stored away from food and inaccessible to children.

Staff responsibilities include, but are not limited to, ensuring the medication administration form is complete and that the medication being received matches the medication orders and stored as directed.

The center staff will keep accurate documentation of all medications administered. Included, but not limited in the documentation are:

    • Name, address and DOB of the child
    • Name of the medication and dosage
    • Pharmacy name and prescription number
    • Name of authorized prescriber
    • The date & time the medication was administered
    • The dose that was administered
    • The level of cooperation of the child
    • Any medication errors
    • Food and medication allergies
    • Signature of the staff administering
    • Any comments

Parents will be notified verbally at time of pickup when/if a child has been administered any prescription medication. Staff are trained in the administration of medication by a physician, physician assistant, APRN, or RN and renewed every three years. Training for premeasured commercially prepared injectable medications is renewed each year. At no time is an untrained staff allowed to administer prescription medications.

All unused or expired medication shall be returned to the parent/guardian or disposed of if it is not picked up within one week following the termination of the order, in the presence of at least one witness. The center shall keep a written record of the medications destroyed which shall be signed by both parties.

Medical Emergency Policy

In any emergency, the child will be inspected by a person in charge. The Director, the Assistant Director or the Head Teacher will determine the seriousness and the appropriate approach. The appropriate First Aid and/or CPR will be administered as needed by a qualified staff member. Also the following will take place:

    • If the injury is non-life threatening, the parents will be notified via phone call by the Director, the Assistant Director, or the Head Teacher if necessary, and always with a written incident/injury report. If a phone call is made the child’s injury and disposition will be discussed. A decision on what to do next will be decided between the parent and the Director, the Assistant Director, or the Head Teacher at this time. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, then the emergency contacts will be contacted and finally the child’s physician/dentist will be contacted if all other people are unavailable.
    • If the injury or condition is life threatening, 911 will be called immediately and the child will be transported by the responding paramedics to Rockville General Hospital’s Emergency Room, or the hospital designated by parent/guardian on the child’s Emergency Medical Care Permission Form, or any other hospital at the discretion of the medical professionals for immediate treatment. After 911 is called, we will notify the parents of the emergency.
    • While the injured child is being attended to by the Director, the Assistant Director or the Head Teacher, all other teachers, caregivers and aides will continue to supervise all other children in attendance.
    • In the event a child becomes ill at the Center, parents will be notified and the child will be moved to a designated area where the child will be made comfortable while waiting for parent/guardian or emergency contact to pick them up. A staff member will remain with the child at all times.


Sick Child Policy

Scotty’s Kiddy Korner Preschool and Daycare, LLC follows the same Sick Child Policy as the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health, which is:

    • An advisory or “head’s up” phone call will be given to a parent/guardian if a child is showing any sign/symptoms of illness.
    • If a child appears to be ill or complains of feeling sick, a certified staff member will take the child’s temperature using a thermometer.
    • If the temperature is 101 or over and/or the child presents other symptoms [vomiting, diarrhea, and/or conjunctivitis (pink eye)], it will be necessary to have the child leave the center.
    • As stated in our Medical Emergency Policy [19a-79-3a(d)(4)(A)1] In the event a child becomes ill at the Center, parents will be notified and the child will be moved to a designated area where the child will be made comfortable while waiting for parent/guardian or emergency contact to pick them up. A staff member will remain with the child at all times.
    • As stated in the Enrollment Agreement signed by the parents/guardians prior to their child’s first day, any child that has any of the following symptoms – vomiting, diarrhea, fever of 101 degrees or above and/or conjunctivitis (pink eye) CANNOT be admitted to the center and if these symptoms develop while at the center, the child MUST be excluded from the center right away. The child MAY NOT return to the center until they are symptom free for 24 to 48 hours (without the aid of medication) and must have a written doctor’s note stating that they can return. If a child becomes ill while at SKKP&DC, the Staff will notify the parent/guardian so that they can come to pick up the child. If the parents/guardians cannot be reached, the designated emergency contacts will be notified and requested to pick up the ill child. The State of Connecticut also requires us to document when children get sick while in our care. We are required to fill out an ILLNESS REPORT, have the child’s parent/guardian sign it and to keep it on file. A copy is to be given to the child’s parents/guardians. NOTE: If the high fever is caused by a non-contagious illness, such as teething, parents can contact their pediatrician for a written okay to have the child return to the center the next day.

Tuition Payment Policy

Tuition payments are to be made in full weekly, and due each Monday for full time children and the first day attended for the week for part time children. Scotty’s accepts cash, checks and money orders. Bounced checks will incur a charge of $35.00. After two bounced checks, parents will be required to pay with either cash or money order. Weekly tuition payments that are not received by Wednesday of each week will be considered late and assessed a late payment fee of $20.00.

Closing Time/Late Pickup Policy

Our hours are 6:30am to 5:30pm and all children should be picked up by our closing time of 5:30pm. With advance notification of late arrival for occasional, unavoidable instances, care will be provided until 6:00pm.

Parents/Guardians who consistently miss the 5:30pm pickup time will be notified and assessed an extended care charge of $50.00 per week for any pickup between 5:30pm and 6:00pm. All pickups after 6:00pm will be assessed a late pickup fee of $1.00 per minute and is to be paid that same day to Scotty’s staff.

A.M. Preschool sessions end at 11:30am and your child should be picked up promptly at 11:30am. A late pickup fee of $1.00 per minute will be assessed if your child is not picked up on time.

Pick Up by Other than Parent/Guardian Policy

If a parent is having another person pick up their child, then they must fill out the proper permission form to authorize Scotty’s personnel to release their child to a specific person. This permission form is good for a period of one year or until revoked by the parent. A permission form must be filled out for each person that the parent will have pick up their child.

If the parent has not filled out a permission form due to unforeseen circumstances, they must call Scotty’s and Scotty’s staff will fill out a form for them with the information they provide over the phone.

Scotty’s personnel will ask the person picking up the child for their valid photo driver’s license to verify identity and will also have them sign the permission form. The parent must inform their designated pickup person that they will be asked for and must provide positive identification before the child will be released.

If the parent has not filled out a permission slip or called to inform us that someone else will be picking up their child and a person is at the center to pickup the child, Scotty’s staff will call the parent to verify the name and identity of that person. If the parent cannot be reached, Scotty’s will not release the child to that person.

In this case, Scotty’s staff will call the emergency contact person in the child’s file and ask them to come to the center to pickup the child. Upon the arrival of the emergency contact person, he/she will be identified and asked to fill out and sign the permission form. The child will then be released to their emergency contact person. We reserve the right to release the child to any of the Emergency Contacts in the child’s file at any time.

If neither the parent or their emergency contact person can be reached, Scotty’s staff will contact the Social Worker for the Town of Ellington or the local Police Department to notify them of the situation and to receive further instructions.

Building Access Policy

All of our entry doors have been equipped with keyed locks and the main entry doors are additionally equipped with electronic keypad entry systems. This allows us to keep all the doors locked while we are in session and to prevent the entrance of unauthorized individuals.

The electronic keypad systems are ‘unfrozen’ to allow keypad entry only during drop off and pick up hours. These hours are 6:30am to 9:00am and 4:00pm to 5:30pm.

During drop off and pick up hours, Staff and Parents can gain entrance on their own using a code that has been provided to them. The staff code is different from the parent code and Staff shall not share their staff code with Parents, Children or anyone who is not an employee of Scotty’s. Parents have also been asked not to share their code with Staff, their children or anyone else.

Between 9:00am and 4:00pm and again at 5:30pm, the keypad systems are ‘frozen’ and the codes will not work. The doors can then only be opened with a key or from the inside of the center. This is to allow safe operation of the center without fear that persons can gain access without being properly identified.

Door codes will be changed when deemed necessary, but at least once a year, and when safety requires it.

Unauthorized persons shall only be allowed entry into the center after they have been identified and approved. These unauthorized persons will make their presence know by ringing the doorbell or knocking. Staff will inquire to learn the following information:

  • Name of the persons at the door
  • Company or organization they represent
  • Who they wish to speak to
  • What the purpose of their visit is

Staff will then ask them to wait in the lobby. Staff will contact the Director, Assistant Director, Administrator or designated teacher to give them the information.

Outdoor Play Policy

We realize how important it is for children to be able to go outside and get fresh air. Everyday we strive to incorporate outdoor play in our fully enclosed playground. If the temperature outside is too cold or too hot, we will not bring the children outside for their safety. We do ask that you send your children with proper outerwear based on the weather (i.e. hat, gloves, warm coat in Winter, shorts, t-shirt, sunscreen in Summer).


Inclement Weather Policy

The decision to delay or close the Center due to inclement weather or other catastrophe will be made by the Director, the Assistant Director or the Head Teacher. 

If inclement weather conditions can be anticipated prior to the center opening, parents will be notified by email (or by phone if they have no email) of the delayed opening or closing. The delayed opening or closing will also be announced on radio station WTIC AM 1080, television stations WFSB-TV Channel 3 and FOX CT Channel 6, and have it posted on WTIC.com, 965TIC.com, WRCH.com, HOT937.com, WFSB.com, CTNOW.com and COURANT.com.

If inclement weather occurs or is anticipated while the children are at the center, parents will be notified by email (or by phone if they have no email) that the center will be closing early. The early closing will also be announced on radio station WTIC AM 1080, television stations WFSB-TV Channel 3 and FOX CT Channel 6, and have it posted on WTIC.com, 965TIC.com, WRCH.com, HOT937.com, WFSB.com, CTNOW.com and COURANT.com. It is then expected that the children will be picked up as soon as possible.  If the parents cannot be reached, then the emergency contacts will be called.

If the weather becomes extreme and the parents indicate an inability to pick up the child within thirty (30) minutes, the parents will be notified with whom and where the child will be for safe keeping.  If parents and emergency contacts cannot be reached, the local Police Department will be notified as to the exact location of the child(ren).

In the case of a natural disaster, Scotty’s Kiddy Korner personnel will work as a part of the Town of Ellington’s Disaster/Civil Defense Plan and will remain to care for the children.  The local Police Department will be notified of the children’s location and parents can contact the local Police to determine the exact location of their children.

Holidays and Vacation Policy

Scotty’s will be closed and full tuition required for the weeks that contain the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Easter (Good Friday), Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (both Thursday and Friday) and Christmas Day.

Scotty’s will closed for two weeks each year. The first week will be the first full week after the 4th of July, and the dates will be announced by the end of April each year. The second week will be the week between Christmas and New Year’s. No payment is required for the time that Scotty’s is closed for vacation. If the vacation time should include one of the paid holidays above, no payment will be required for that holiday.

   If you take a vacation any other time than the two weeks that Scotty’s is closed, payment is still required for that time.

Food Service Policy

The children will bring their own breakfasts, lunches and snacks in appropriate sealed containers labeled top and bottom with the child’s first name initial and full last name. All foods needing refrigeration will be stored in the refrigerator until served.  Any leftover or uneaten foods will be be disposed of. All children’s containers that are not disposable will be rinsed and returned to the child’s pack by Scotty’s Staff to be taken home and cleaned.

All infants will bring in prepared bottles daily.

The center will provide 1% milk at breakfast and lunch and water throughout the day.  Any and all other drinks will be provided by the parents.

The center will provide cups, spoons and bowls when needed. These provided items will be washed, rinsed and sanitized after each use.

Each child’s food is prepared individually as needed, specifically:

           For first floor classrooms, each child’s food is prepared individually as needed by a designated staff member.

           For second floor classrooms, each child’s food is prepared individually as needed in the Kids’ Klub room by a designated staff member.

Pizza Day: Every Thursday (Wednesday when a holiday falls on a Thursday) is Pizza Day for children ages 2 and up. Pizzas will be purchased from and delivered by a local licensed pizza restaurant. Scotty’s will keep a current copy of the restaurant’s food service license on file. The pizza will be served to ages 2 and 3 as follows: the pizza will be cut up into bite size pieces using culinary scissors. These culinary scissors are washed, rinsed and sanitized after each use and then stored in their own container in the kitchen. Each room that uses the culinary scissors will have their own pair. The pizza will be served to ages 4 and up as whole slices.

As each child finishes their food, their hands and faces are washed and dried.

Unused portions of food are discarded unless we are otherwise notified by the parents.  In which case, it is our policy to attach written notice on the container of leftover or uneaten food indicating as to the fact that it has been opened, served and partially uneaten. Then it is stored in the refrigerator to be returned to the parents to take home.

The refrigerators at the center are always kept at a temperature of 45 degrees or less to ensure proper food storage.

Technology Use Policy

This policy covers the use, at Scotty’s and on Scotty’s owned property to include Scotty’s student transport vehicles, of computerized technology to include Smart Boards, Desktop and Laptop Computers, iPads and Tablets, any type of Smart Phones or Cell Phones of all types, iPods, Computer Arcades, Wii and other game consoles, any type of hand held gaming systems and digital cameras.


Scotty’s provides Interactive Smart Boards, Desktop Computers, Laptop Computers and iPads for classroom use to provide educational instruction and lesson enhancement in conjunction with our educational curriculum. These items are generally used and controlled by Scotty’s Staff with student access administered, instructed, and observed by Scotty’s Staff.


Scotty’s provides Desktop Computers, a Wii game console, and computerized arcade games in our Kids’ Klub Program classroom both during the academic school year and Summer Camp. This technology is for the use of our Kids’ Klub school age children for entertainment purposes. Software is provided by Scotty’s for the Wii and the Desktop Computers and  consists of appropriate games. None of this technology connects to the internet. Children are not allowed to connect to the internet for entertainment or social media purposes. Use of this technology is limited to short periods of time as planned activities take precedent.


School systems provide Laptop style computers to students and these are used for in school lessons, homework and remote learning.

Homework – Scotty’s permits use of only these computers for doing homework when express written permission or request is made by the parents. This requires these computers to access the internet through Scotty’s wi-fi connection and such connection will be provided. Scotty’s Staff will monitor the sign in to the homework and then periodically the screen content during homework use. Homework use of computer will be done only at one of the assigned homework tables and the screen must be in plain view for Scotty’s Staff to monitor what is on screen. Children are not allowed to connect to the internet for entertainment or social media purposes on the school issued computers.

Remote Learning – When remote learning is required, Scotty’s will  provide a quiet cubicle style workspace for each student. During remote

learning, only the school issued computer will be allowed to be used. Parents will provide a written class time schedule for Scotty’s Staff to help make sure the student connects in time for the class. This requires these computers to access the internet through Scotty’s wi-fi connection and such connection will be provided. Scotty’s Staff will monitor the sign in to the remote learning and then periodically the screen content during remote learning use.  Remote learning use of the school issued computer will be done only at one of the assigned cubicle tables and the screen must be in plain view for Scotty’s Staff to monitor what is on screen. Children are not allowed to connect to the internet for entertainment or social media purposes on the school issued computers.


Staff and children’s personal cameras, including but not limited to, digital, SLR, polaroid, cellphone, smart phone, iPad, and tablet style cameras are prohibited from being used at Scotty’s and on Scotty’s owned property to include Scotty’s student transport vehicles. Scotty’s owns digital cameras and iPads that are available for taking pictures at Scotty’s and on Scotty’s owned property and are normally used by Scotty’s Staff to take photos of events and activities involving the children.


Scotty’s does not allow technology from home to be brought into Scotty’s to be used. This includes but is not limited to Laptop Computers, iPads and Tablets, any type of Smart Phone or Cell Phone, iPods, any type of hand held gaming systems, and digital cameras. If a child should bring any prohibited technology from home, it must remain in the child’s backpack or be given to Scotty’s Staff for safekeeping. If a child takes their technology out from their backpack, Scotty’s Staff will confiscate it and place it in safekeeping. All technology will be returned to the child or the child’s parents when the child leaves for the day.

Children are prohibited from taking pictures, connecting to or using social media platforms, emailing, texting, or making phone calls on any personal technology or any technology owned by Scotty’s.