COVID-19 Actions & Protocols


For our dedicated Staff, we have provided hand sanitizer, disposable gloves, and digital infra-red touchless thermometers for taking their own, the children’s and the parents’ temperatures. We have published and posted COVID-19 protocols that are being followed throughout the center.

Structurally we remodeled after the State reversed it’s initial recommendation of keeping interior doors open for improved air circulation to recommending that each room be able to be closed off from adjacent rooms to reduce the airflow from room to room. We changed out all of our half doors to full doors and closed up our half walls with clear Lexan plastic to the ceiling. This change was performed over the course of one weekend with extraordinary efforts by some of our staff and a local builder, Lakeside Services, LLC. We want to especially mention our Ellington neighbor, Clear View Glass & Mirror, for moving mountains in helping us procure the very difficult to get Lexan
plastic for this project. While this renovation may seem to change the open and accessible feeling of Scotty’s, we are still the same open, friendly and safe center we have always been with our primary goal the nurturing and safety of your children.

The most important addition to our building was the installation, by Nutmeg Mechanical Services of Manchester, of UV Light air purification units to all 6 or our furnaces’ heating and cooling systems. Here is what these units do for us and your children:

The Air Knight PX5 with IPG technology is an active air purifier. Active air purification goes far beyond simple filtration and dust collection. Active air purification can remove smoke, odors, odor-causing bacteria, airborne contaminants, and contaminants that exist in all of the air and on surfaces in the indoor environment where we live, work, study, etc. that cannot be reached by passive air purification systems.
The Air Knight IPG with PX5 contains dual technologies that proactively work to address contaminants in the indoor air that can adversely affect our comfort and our health. In the IAQ vertical there are two methods of air purification, active and passive. The Air Knight IPG with PX5 technology utilizes dual technologies to address bacteria, viruses, odors, VOCs and viruses, and is also effective against harmful microscopic particulate that exists in indoor environments that can make occupants uncomfortable. The IPG technology or Ionic
Particulate Gathering system addresses micro fine particulate in the air and also has positive impact on bio-aerosols and VOC’s. The PX5 technology utilizes UV light and a metallic catalyst to produce aerosolized hydrogen peroxides that is effective in reducing bio-aerosols, VOC’s, odors, germs, viruses and other indoor air contaminants.

The IPG technology works by generating the same ions that Mother Nature creates with lightning, waterfalls, ocean waves, and the like. It is Mother Nature’s way of cleansing the air naturally and creating a healthy environment. If an electron deficient ion like an oxygen or nitrogen atom is in close proximity to a virus, bacteria, mold spore, etc., it will bond with, and remove the hydrogen molecule from that virus, bacteria or mold spore, rendering it incapable of replicating; think of it like giving the bacteria, virus or mold spore birth control. They can no longer reproduce or replicate and will eventually die. The corona of energy created by the IPG technology also breaks down the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s), Odor and Smoke molecules. The bi-polar ions produced by the IPG technology will agglomerate particles, making them larger and easier to filter. It will reduce static electricity. And finally but not least, it will create the ions necessary for life. Each living thing on this planet requires the ions that Mother Nature produces in order to live healthy. Air Knight’s IPG technology has best in class ion production. Meaning its ability to create positive and negative ions surpasses other products in the market.

Translating the technical wording you just read in a nutshell, these UV Light air purification units clean not only the air that is circulated through our heating/cooling systems but also clean the surfaces in all of the rooms that receive the disinfected air.

Your children and all of us reap the benefit of 99.97% reduced exposure to dust, dander, germs, sub-micron particles, odors, air pollutants, allergens, VOCs, and viruses.

Scotty’s – working always to nurture your children and keep them safe!


Per Governor Lamont’s Executive Order and Office of Early Childhood Memos

These protocols are effective 02-28-2022

-Masks are no longer required to enter or while inside Scotty’s. Wearing a mask is a personal choice and those who wish to wear a mask may do so.

-Staff must wash their hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds upon entering the building and before caring for the children, as well as before and after:
changing diapers/pullups/soiled clothing, lunch and snacks, tabletop projects, cleaning up a child’s bodily fluids, outdoor play and also wash or sanitize their hands with hand sanitizer if soap and water not readily available as often as possible throughout the day.

-Children will continue to be encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds before and after: changing diapers/pullups/soiled clothing, lunch and snacks, tabletop projects, outdoor play and as well as when needed.

-Children will continue to be encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds after: going to the bathroom, sneezing or coughing.

-Children will be taught and continued to be encouraged to cover sneezes and coughs with the hollow of their elbow or at least their hands.

-Staff will cover sneezes and coughs with the hollow of their elbow, a tissue/cloth or at least their hands and then wash their hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds immediately afterwards.

-Staff will immediately clean and sanitize all affected surfaces after a child’s or their own sneeze or cough.

-Staff will clean and sanitize all surfaces in their room multiple times during the day and when needed. This includes commonly touched areas such as door knobs, areas of the
door above and below the door knobs, tops of half doors, entry door keypads and light switches. Enhanced cleaning of surfaces shall be done during nap time and at the end of the day.

-Staff who are sick, have COVID-19 symptoms (i.e. coughing, fever, and/or respiratory distress) or test positive for COVID (should not report to work and should call to inform us of such.

-Staff and children’s family members that has been in contact with someone testing positive for COVID or showing symptoms of COVID-19 must inform us of such contact and follow our posted Isolation and Quarantine Guidelines.

-Children who are sick should not be brought to Scotty’s. Please refer to our sick child policy posted in each room.

-Hand sanitizer dispensers will remain mounted in each classroom, inside each entrance, and outside on our playground for the use of staff, parents, and visitors.

These protocols are current as of 02-28-22
but are subject to change by Executive Order of the Governor
and/or directive from the Office of Early Childhood.