Jen L.

To Scotty’s Teachers: I want to take a moment to say thank you for everything you have done for and given to Abby over the last 5+ years. Looking back on her life, you all have been there every step of the way. From that first day in March 2007 to last night’s graduation ceremony, you have been such an important part of her life. I remember being so nervous dropping her off in the Infant Room that first day. But I was also comforted knowing she would be in gentle, nurturing loving hands all day. I loved getting the daily reports so I could recreate her day even thought I wasn’t there. Thank you for that! And then came Toddler 1 where she literally went from being my baby to my toddler. I knew she was safe and growing up surrounded by people who loved her and truly cared about her. Then Toddler 2 and her increasing independence. I remember she came home one day singing the “Rainbow Song”- a song I didn’t know or teach her. It was amazing to realize how much she was learning from you at such a young age. And before I knew it, she was transitioning to preschool. I was nervous and not sure she was ready for that step, but I completely trusted your advice and guidance. And of course, Abby continued to flourish. She continued growing into her own sweet little person through your encouragement and teaching. She was so excited to transition to Pre-K. I will always remember the smile on her face as she took my hand and led me to her new cubby. She was so proud and so was I. I have always been amazed by how much she has learned at Scotty’s- not only educationally, but personally too. You all have taught her how to be a good, kind, polite, respectful person. And that is a reflection of all of you! In her last months, she got to spend more time in the Latchkey Room. I think her time there has really helped her prepare for her next chapter. She tells me that in Kindergarten she wants to read in front of the class. I know she has this goal because of what she has seen in Latchkey. Thank you for helping her dream! We started off 5 years ago as strangers, but you quickly became like family. You have been in every proud moment we have experienced over the last 5 years. I cannot fully express my gratitude for that! Thank you all for your time, your patience, your encouragement, your teaching, your laughter, and your love. Abby’s success, and those of all the children, are a direct reflection of you. With my sincerest thanks, Jen Lund (Abby’s mom) P.S. I look forward to starting this journey with Sarah in September. See you then!